The Seventh-day Adventists Church was founded in the United States in 1863. It is presently active in more than 200 countries.
The term advent means the coming of Jesus into the world. Seventh-day refers to the observance of the sabbath on the seventh day of the week (Saturday). It is a Christian faith based on scripture, with an emphasis on education and health care.
Adventists holds that Jesus’ return to the world (Second Coming) is near to hand. Adventists point to the Book of Genesis' account of Creation, in which God rested on the seventh day. Therefore they observe Sabbath on Saturday, rather than Sunday, which is the day most other Christian denominations observe the Sabbath. Adventists are noted for their dedication to educational opportunities for people around the world and for their commitment to quality heath care, including promotion of wellness and healthy life style. There are nearly 7500 Seventh-day Adventist schools in operation and more than 500 hospitals and clinics worldwide.
Adventists advocate a healthy respect for body, mind and spirit, and for the interrelationship of all three. They promote freedom of religion and honors the dignity of all peoples.
Fundamental Beliefs |
North America |
Worldwide |